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Light Aircraft Trial Flight 60 minutes

International experience in : United Kingdom
Are you ready to experience the ultimate adventure in the skies? Look no further than our Light Aircraft Trial Flight 60 minutes gift experience!

This incredible gift will give you the opportunity to take the controls of a light aircraft and experience the thrill of flying. You'll be guided by a flight instructor, who will provide you with expert guidance and support as you take off, navigate the skies, and land safely.

During your 60-minute flight, you'll have the chance to fly over breathtaking landscapes, take in stunning aerial views, and experience the freedom and excitement of piloting your own aircraft.

This gift is perfect for anyone who loves aviation and wants to experience the thrill of flying firsthand. It's also a great way to celebrate a special occasion, such as a birthday, anniversary, or graduation.

So why wait? Take to the skies and experience the ultimate adventure with our Light Aircraft Trial Flight 60 minutes gift experience. It's an unforgettable journey that you'll remember for the rest of your life!
  • Our Price €298.83
  • Quantity:
Make it extra special and add one of our options below...
1 Night Hotel Stay Over For Two in the UK & Northern Ireland +€213.45
3 to 4 Star Hotel Accommodation, including breakfast (Twin or Double Room).
Light Aircraft Trial Flight 60 minutes
Light Aircraft Trial Flight 60 minutes
Light Aircraft Trial Flight 60 minutes
Light Aircraft Trial Flight 60 minutes
Light Aircraft Trial Flight 60 minutes

Light Aircraft Trial Flight 60 minutes:  

The Experience

Your experience starts with an expert on-ground briefing about flying techniques and safety. Then you begin your flight in a dual-controlled two or four-seater training plane with a fully qualified pilot. At the pilot's discretion you can take the controls and pilot the aircraft under expert supervision during your flight.

Vital Information

Restrictions vary according to venue. As a guide the min age for unaccompanied children is 12-16, min height 4', max 6' to 6'6'' and max weight 14-18 stone. Some centres require you produce name and address/photo id on the day for security reasons.

The Weather

As with all flying experiences you will need to call a weather check line on the day before, or on the morning of your flight. If the weather is unsuitable then you can reschedule your flight for another time.

Session Length

Your experience will last for approximately 80 minutes, including your 60 minute flight. All flight times are approximate and are the chocks-off to chocks-on duration. 


Your briefing is maybe shared; your flight will be held one a one-to-one basis with the instructor.


Spectators are welcome to watch you take off and land. At some venues you can also take a passenger along for the ride.

What To Wear

Dress comfortably and wear flat-soled shoes. Bring sun block in summer. Sunglasses are recommended all year round.


Most centres operate seven days a week all year round. Please note that weekends are particularly busy and should be booked at least four weeks in advance. Flights during winter months are generally run earlier in the day during daylight hours.


Essex, Glasgow, Sussex, Kent, Bedfordshire, Wiltshire, Devon, Hampshire, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Surrey, East Yorkshire, Cheshire, South Wales, Kent, Middlesex, Shropshire, Gloucestershire, Peterborough, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Warwickshire, Lancashire

Other Information

Your flying time can count towards a Private Pilot's Licence (PPL). To qualify for a PPL you need 35 hours of dual control and 10 hours solo flying. If you have ever wanted to be a pilot, this is a great way to get started.

Code : P00352

Light Aircraft Trial Flight 60 minutes:

Light Aircraft Trial Flight 60 minutes: Availability

Most centres operate seven days a week all year round. Please note that weekends are particularly busy and should be booked at least four weeks in advance. Flights during winter months are generally run earlier in the day during daylight hours.

Light Aircraft Trial Flight 60 minutes: Fascinating Facts

How does something as heavy as an aircraft actually get off the ground? It started with man studying birds. How did the wing work in lifting and propelling birds in flight? The Wright Brothers, who took their first powered, heavier than air, flight in 1903 worked out the answer - it's the 'airfoil'. The wing on an aircraft is an airfoil so when air flows around the wing it creates lift. The way it creates lift is by the wing's movement through the air, and the air pressure created around the wing. An aircraft's wing, depending on type and design, is curved over the top of the wing and straighter underneath. This shape is key to how lift is created as the wing moves through the air. You will put this theory into practice as you take off in your light aircraft. Each centre flies different craft but, with famous names from Cessna to Piper on the cockpit and the technological expertise behind them, you can be confident you're piloting the 'sports cars' of the aeronautical world.

Light Aircraft Trial Flight 60 minutes: Not sure yet

Light Aircraft Trial Flight 60 minutes: Restrictions

Restrictions vary according to venue. As a guide the min age for unaccompanied children is 12-16, min height 4', max 6' to 6'6'' and max weight 14-18 stone. Some centres require you produce name and address/photo id on the day for security reasons.

  • Our Price €298.83
  • Quantity:
Make it extra special and add one of our options below...
1 Night Hotel Stay Over For Two in the UK & Northern Ireland +€213.45
3 to 4 Star Hotel Accommodation, including breakfast (Twin or Double Room).
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Helicopter Flying Lesson in Ireland - 40 Minutes I have received a voucher for this experience for my last birthday. It was a great experience! Harry James - Westmeath

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